My name is Jade Dominique and I draw stick people. I have been illustrating greeting cards with stick faeries, stick mermaids, vintage looking stickpeople, all of their accoutrements, animal friends and furniture for quite a while now. It is one of my favorite things to do. I also like to make jewelry with buttons, beads and findings, handmade boxes, sew halloween costumes, make winter hats, write in fancy script and whatever creative endeavor is necessitated by the day.
I live with my 2 children and 3 cats in a lovely yellow dollhouse in a quaint town that looks like a movie set populated by beautiful old spooky houses. It couldn't please me much more than it already does. I have a creaky old mailbox and occasionally I find a love letter inside. I have the most fabulous old bathroom wallpaper in all the land and I heart vikings.
bats, seashells, buttons, giant ric-rac, clocks, tea wares, ribbon, scraped-up wallaper, picture frames with overlapping sticks for corners, cuckoo clocks, vintage lamps, tiny elaborate containers, acorns, old books, vintage lithographs, chairs with personality, flowers, the silvery-pink color of the street right before a summer rainstorm, turkey vultures, mushrooms, parts of old fences, iron nails, mary jane shoes, interesting purses, circus hosiery, old houses, cicadas etc...